Bernard Zuel and I had a great chat just before I went fishing with the family. He’s made some good observations – like pigeonholing …
“This is a reminder that assumptions about Crighton … he’s cranked up the guitars progressively since his rootsy debut and now stretches across intense folk, collaborations with Indigenous musicians like didgeridoo master William Barton, almost tropical country music, and full-force rock’n’roll … all miss the point
Bernard Zuel
We talked about the new album, collaboration, teamwork, family, my support shows with Midnight Oil and the influence of Jim Moginie and Rob Hirst. It was a great conversation.
“So what I’ve taken away from them (Jim Moginie and Rob Hirst) is be strong and be committed to the cause, whatever the cause may be, and don’t try to be anything else but yourself.“
William Crighton, in conversation with Bernard Zuel